A downloadable game
A shooter where you try to prevent ghosties from getting to your soul! You are a mysterious wizard trying to escape the millions of tiny ghosts chasing after you, they might be weak alone, but together, you might be overwhelmed really quickly!
- Use the left joystick to move and right joystick to attack.
- Avoid ghosties and their bullets
- Collect souls from fallen foes and purchase upgrades in the shop to survive for longer.
- Find and activate collectables on the floor to gain health or clear all current enemies.
All arts are designed by the team, royalty free music and sound effects downloaded from https://pixabay.com/music/
Github Repo: https://github.com/AnnaXT/FinalCS-3113.git
This game is a mobile game and only supports IOS.
Development log
- PostmortemMay 05, 2023
- DevelopmentMay 04, 2023
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George Gonzalez:
I like the open map with different "biomes" or areas. I think it works well for the ever spawning waves of enemies as it gives you space to move around while still allowing for enemies to come from all directions giving a fun active gameplay. I think that you could add new features like adding effects in the areas that are more prominent and could make for interested play styles that would use the areas to its advantage.
Ethan Don: Super fun idea. Endless mobile games where you fight for a high score are a staple. The game looks great and the powerups from the shop are really well done and I think they scale to the enemy spawn rate quite well. I also really appreciate how intuitive all the controls are. The UI for buttons is done really well, and when I saw the joysticks I almost immediately knew how they worked. One thing I might tweak a little is the bombs though. For such an OP item drop it seems to have a really high drop rate. Some fixes that come to mind are just decreasing the spawn rate or giving the bombs a smaller blast radius. Other than that, I loved the aesthetic and the gameplay and the game makes me want to keep trying to beat my high score. It's great!
Sergey: The sprites are really cool, and the animation looks smooth. I loved the bomb part, it looks dope. This kind of games like tower defense games, it needs good amount of testing for optimal fine tuning. Overall, it is really cool game and needs polishing the waves. Great job.
I'm a big fan of games such as this where you're trying to fend off waves of enemies and unlocking powerups. The animation spawning the enemy rising from the ground looks great. Personally, I'd tone down the animation for clearing all the enemies on the screen when the player collects a bomb. Overall, great game!
Remi Vaughan: Interesting gameplay mechanic, really reminds me of a game I saw not too long ago with a very similar mechanic. Lots of people talked about adding exploration and making it so you weren't just shooting backwards at enemies, but I think you should double down; ditch the virtual joysticks, make the player just follow the user's finger, and have the player automatically shoot a trail of bullets behind them. I've never seen a game that does anything like that, and your game seems to be going in that direction already, so maybe try it out if you're interested!
Heejin Jang: The game has great sprites, animations, and effects. The store part is implemented so well!! I feel like the map is too big, so some sort of benefits or constraints maybe cool to be added!!!
Shaur Kumar: I like the concept of this game, very Vampire Survivors esc gameplay. The general look and feel of the game reminds me of CoolMathGames nostalgia, and I really adore this style of artwork. I don't fully understand the reasoning behind making the world infinite however. I believe that there should be a set play area or there should Be something in the world to discover, including maybe making it so the different biomes mesh together better. The enemies also spawn in waves way too fast, so I believe that there should be a buffer time in between waves. Perhaps making it so you can only purchase upgrades in this time, tying it to an npc that spawns, could really work. I recommend looking into the nighttime sections of Atomicrops and taking from there.
The animations are amazing. The player death animation, in particular, is my favorite. I think the upgrade feature is really good, but they don't seem to have as much of an impact, which results in the player having to rely on bombs to stay alive. Maybe you could implement an evolution system as well. After a certain number of upgrades, you could evolve that category of upgrade to have some sort of unique ability that will drastically improve your power level.
Ashley Liu: Very smooth gameplay! I would just say more types of enemies would be nice. The timer is definitely an incentive to survive longer :)
Justin Rivera: The particle effects are extremely well done and feel good to look at. Overall, the visuals of the game are really good, and I think it all fits together. The only thing is that I think it is too easy for the player to be swarmed by enemies, although the bombs help clear the crowd.
Roger Li:
The character sprites, animation, and special effects are beautiful and extremely well made. The game mechanics (power ups, unlimited waves) are also very interesting and easy to understand. The UI design is also quite thought-out and I really like the two-joystick design. However, I think the game gets a bit overwhelming after waves and waves of enemies. I think it would be better if there's more breathing room, such as periods of low enemy spawn rate followed by hordes. I think it would also be interesting if there are more elements/variables considered when it comes to level design, such as adding obstacles/platforms or borders rather than letting the player roam in a limitless level with essentially nothing other than enemies and items in it.
Yanglin Tao: I really like the onboarding instructions and how you can purchase different abilities. In fact, the idea of "collecting souls from fallen foes" sounds very interesting. The virtual joysticks are also working very well in the game, which gives a smooth playing experience. The health bar for each enemy is a unique touch and tells you how far you are from beating the enemies. I love the art design and animations as well It might be a little nitpicky but I think sometimes the enemies can get too many and the player may seem overpowered. It is also helpful to have one or two different types of enemies. Overall your team has done a great job!
Endless game, How long can you survive? Wow, this is a game that can truly boost your adrenaline. The art work in this game is great, and I really like the bomb power up which can clear all the enemies at once. I believe Professor and other students gave some feedback for displaying the number of waves, and I think this is a really good idea to replace the traditional timer with the number of waves that you have survived. Anyway, great game, Good Job!
Love the sprite designs! The effect/ animation when the enemies die also looks really cool. The bomb animation is a bit distracting, since a bunch of stuff covers the screen. After playing for a while, the number of enemies eventually feels overwhelming, even if there are bombs to eliminate them. It feels like there's not much breathing room. Adding something to explore or collect in the map would be fun. As the game progresses, introducing new enemies so it doesn't feel as repetitive would make the game more interesting.
Yuxuan Lin (Kerwin): The character and enemy animations are really impressive, making the gameplay feel smooth and engaging. The open map and various backgrounds add a sense of exploration, which is a nice touch. While I enjoyed the power-ups and shop feature, I think adding more variety in enemies, tasks, or challenges could keep players interested for longer. The attention to detail, like the scrolling menu and game over screen, is commendable. Overall, this game is both fun and visually appealing.
Nishma: I really like the changes and improvements that you guys made to this game from last time, like adding more space between the player and the enemies so that the player has time to move away, and the different powerups (the animations for those are so cool). I also like the shop feature, and the fact that it's a really big map so the player can really go anywhere. However, because it's a big map, I think it would be nice to have some new things/additions when you reach certain areas, like instead of just running away? Maybe like different enemies or tasks or something, but I know the point is to keep trying to get a higher score. But I really liked it and I'd definitely play this game.
The animations is so cool. I am super curious as to how yall did it. I just wish there was more variation to the game(more enemies, attacks, etc.) Overall, I think your game was the smoothest out of all the other games and all the controls felt responsive.
I like how open it is and the variation in background. Controls are intuitive and you handled the balance of the money/upgrades is a vast improvement from the earlier version. The ghosts left behind after the enemies die are really cute and well done. I'm also a fan of the some little visual details like the menu being a scroll or the game over screen showing your character disappearing. Well done overall.
Christ: I played this game in the lecture and I feel like this is a very cute and difficult game as time goes by. At the beginning, there are bunch of booms but it disappeared as time goes by but the enemies were generated increasingly since the infinity loop I guess. I love this game and sprites designed that people would love to dive into this game for fun. Well done!!
Anik Barua: Loved the animations! For each enemies and the player, the animations (specially the death one) looks super smooth and totally fits the game theme. Also, how you guys implemented the player arm for shooting and how it moves around as you control the joystick was a nice implementation. One feedback will be on the bombing feature that comes to often and clears up majority of the enemies. I think it makes it a bit easy on the player end but I think just having some delays to make the bomb token available will make it perfect. Overall really good game, loved it!
Hah-Young Kim: I love the sprite animation of the player! especially how the the arm moves based on the shooting direction. I think it might be nice to also include text describing what the item is in the shop too.
I really like the design that every enemy has the health bar to indicate the progress. Also the animations are complete for all the interactions, especially the whole-map ultimate. Cool details!