Pew-Pew » Devlog

Game Development Notes:
Main Idea:
- Wizzie vs ghostie fight: Pew pew u go bye bye
- Shooting game:
- Bullets will shoot according to player direction (rotation etc, joystick buttons)
- Auto shoot
- Infinite game loop, collect items, level up and keep going. Enemies become stronger and appear more frequently as time goes on
- Enemy types:
- Normal: close range, approaches the player with moderate speed
- Fast: close range, approaches the player with a fast speed
- Long range: moves slowly, comes out of the ground, shoots at the player
- Helmeted, more health - implement if there is time
- level up (bought in the store):
- faster bullet
- more bullet dmg
- more bullets per unit time
- Player speed increase
- Increased health (increases total health as well as some healing)
- Collectables (on the floor):
- Health: heals player
- Bomb: Clears the screen, causing all current enemies to die
Play Testing Feedback:
- Movement scaling: currently, the player speed is constant regardless of how far you move the joystick, should make it varied for better game feel.
- Economy improvements: for testing purposes, the player starts with 1000 souls, change that to 0 so that the initial upgrades is not easy to get and the player doesn't get extremely strong.
- Add more enemies types: there is only 2 enemy types that doesn't vary a lot, add additional types to make the game more fun.
- More effects: add more particle effects to make the game more flashy.
- Include collectables: currently there's no collectables, adding them might make the game more fun and encourage exploration more.
- Add timer: track how long the player is alive for so they have a sense of achievement when the game ends.
- Enemy spawn rate adjustments: changes how the enemies spawn since now it escalates too quickly.
- Floor tile changes: maybe add more variation or trigger changes with events.
- Shop variation: there's only 2 things to buy in the shop, maybe add more options.
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